Version: 2.3.0

Author: Martin Vlcek

Date: 2023.07.22

Category: Photos&Images

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You can create multiple image galleries as collection of images with titles and descriptions (in multiple languages, if you use the I18N plugin). You can choose how to present the images to the visitors and easily include them into your pages or your template.


Unzip the plugin file to your plugins directory. Enable sitewide cookies in your gsconfig.php.

If you encounter problems, read and check the other posts in this topic.

See more at


Version 0.7: jQuery Cycle plugin included, option to display only one thumbnail

Version 1.0: Optionally show titles under thumbnails (fancybox, prettyPhoto)

Version 1.1: Links and better support for displaying in template

Version 1.2: Automatic cropping to e.g. support square thumbnails

Version 1.3: New version of Supersized (better scaling), Portuguese translation

Version 1.4: Image titles and descriptions are indexed by I18N Search

Version 1.5: more options for cycle slide shows

Version 1.6: Faster image loading, paging for thumbnails of galleries

Version 1.7: custom configuration of galleries

Version 1.9: reads EXIF, IPTC, XMP data to automatically fill title, tag, description

Version 2.0: removed compatibility to GS < 3.1

Version 2.1: review without additional gallery.xml page

Version 2.2: update to jquery 1.11.2

Version 2.3: add webp support

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