Version: 1.8.2

Author: Mike Henken

Date: 2023.07.22

Category: Clients&Communities

More on: GitHub

More on: Support Forum




Multi-User Plugin For User Management, User Creation & User Restrictions/Permissions


Upload the following files into your plugins folder:



Edit User: You are able to edit all the options for each user, including permissions and custom permissions added by other plugins.

Add User: You are able to add a new user and set permissions

Permissions: You can individually block certain features and areas for each individual user. This includes removing the items from the navigation, as well as blocking access to the area/item if the user tries to access it directly. Additionally, other plugin developers can add custom permissions which can be used by their plugin to restrict users access to desired areas of the their plugin.

The following areas can be blocked using the permissions:

  • Pages
  • Files
  • Theme
  • Plugins
  • Backups
  • Settings
  • Support
  • Edit
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